Dec 23, 2009


I am NOT happy right now.

Dec 20, 2009

My life. And why it's different.

I have been toying with the idea of changing up my blog. A lot. I needed a clever name and a snazzy layout, neither of which has happened. But I think I am cool with that. Tonight, I changed it: Life, With Sass. Lame, yes. However...I think I have an idea to make it work. See, my step mother has always called me "Sassy." My name is Sha-Ray. Sassysharay obviously sounds good, since it what I use for everything. But I also have a story to tell. A story about what I have been through. My life, to date, which makes me the person that I am today. The only reason that I feel like I can do this is because my family really doesn't know about this blog. I used to have it connected to Facebook so that my posts showed up there as notes, but I recently took it down, because all of my family has Facebook. If I want it posted there, I will post it there. But I promised a story, so here it is:

My early childhood was normal, for the most part. I mean, as normal as can be, right? And who am I to define what 'normal' is anyway? Each person/situation is different, therefore there really is no 'normal'. Anyway, that's a different story.

My parents fought a lot when I was a child. They weren't meant for each other, and probably the only thing good that came out of that marriage was my sister and I. They got divorced in 2001, I believe. My dad met someone else. Not that it matters, but to respect confidentiality we will call her "Jane." My dad worked with "Jane" and became good friends with her. They were both married when they met, and they even started hanging out with each other and their spouses. Well, to make a long, boring, not pertinent story short, my dad ended up marrying "Jane."

This is pretty much where my life changed. Drastically. I mean, it was slow, so I didn't see it. But I pretty much went from being a child to an adult. "Jane" had three kids, and my dad had my sister and I. We all lived together, my father got custody of us, however I don't remember why. For the first 6 months or so, we were an okay family. Yeah, Dad and "Jane" fought. A lot. But I was used to it. Remember? My parents had been fighting all of my life. Why would it seem strange? Anyway, "Jane" tried to be friends with my sister and I from the start.

Backtrack a bit:
Summer of 2001, my sister and I were staying with my grandmother in Florida, as we did every summer. My dad came down with "Jane" to pick us up to take us back to Alabama. My sister and I did not know "Jane" at this point, we did not even know that our father was coming down there to pick us up, if I remember correctly. We hung out with them for a while, went to the beach, went to a friends house and swam in their pool. "Jane" bought my sister and I swimsuits, we couldn't figure out what was up, and again, if I remember correctly, I didn't really expect anything. When we got back to Alabama, mother and dad sat us down and told us that they were divorcing. I remember going back into my room and crocheting a scarf. I don't know why. I was not upset.

Back to the story. We were living in Florida, but dad and "Jane" couldn't find jobs so we moved back to Alabama. They both started working, so I was paid to babysit. The term 'babysit' actually turned into 'slave who does whatever she is told' but that is what this story is leading up to, isn't it?

To make a long story short(er), I babysat. All the time. I never really did anything. I think I can count the times I spent the night with someone from the time I was in 5th grade until I graduated high school on my fingers. I can count the times I went out to the mall and hung out with friends on my fingers. I can count the number of things I was -allowed- to do at school on one hand. I cooked, I did laundry, I cleaned. For a family of 7. No. It doesn't sound all that bad. But I started all of this when I was 10 years old. I was never allowed to have an actual childhood. I went to the mall with my sister just the other day, and there were groups of kids hanging out in the mall, and, try as I might, I could not figure out the point of it. What is the point of getting up a group of people, dressing up like you are going clubbing, and just sitting at the food court of the mall. And I assume the reason I cannot understand this is because when I think of all the times when I was out alone with friends in the mall...oh...that's right....I can't think of any. Yeah, this one time I went to the mall with Robin and her mom. (Friend) But all I really remember from it was my "Jane" calling and making me come home early because she needed someone to watch her children.

I was a mother. I was a mother of four children when I was ten years old. Well, I am exaggerating a wee bit. I didn't start fully taking care of her children until after we moved to Ohio, which was in 2004/2005. And then, I think I got about 6 months to a year because we lived with "Jane's" mother. But, after we moved into our own house, "Jane" started working 3rd shift and my dad went back over the road. (He was a truck driver) It was my sole responsibility to do the laundry for every inhabitant of the house, provide the children with food, clean up after them, make sure they bathed, brushed their teeth, did their chores/homework, and went to school. I also had to shop for groceries, and make sure the yard work got done. And when money was tight, I had to figure out a way to make things work. I remember one night, we had barely any food in the house, and I had to conjure up something for the kids for dinner. I ended up making butter noodles. Butter and freakin angel hair pasta. I think I added garlic or something to make it edible. I have served mac and cheese and hot dogs/ramen noodles/walmart rice-a-roni and fried bologna more times that I can even possibly count.

Now, all of this wouldn't have been that bad, father and "Jane" aren't the world's greatest parents by a long shot. I didn't get much thanks or recognition. And if I slipped up and forgot to do something, like start the dishwasher or do a load of laundry, I was grounded for two weeks. No music, no phone, no friends. Now, yes. I realize that I had responsibilities that I had to address, but I was treated different than my siblings. No, they weren't treated great either, but they had much more leeway than I did. They could go without doing their chores for a week and nothing happen, but heaven forbid I go one day.

I was also put down a lot by my father. Don't get me wrong, he was alright most of the time, but I could never make him truly happy. He was always calling me stupid. Always degrading me. Always calling me lazy. Always calling me a bitch. Ungrateful. Spiteful. You name it.
So...let me go on to say: I was a model student. All A's. Valedictorian. I did everything I could to please my father and "Jane." And, yeah, every once in a while they said they were proud of me. But they still called me stupid. Lazy. Bitch. Ungrateful. Spiteful.

I realize that I am kind of jumping around here. But, the story is a hard one to tell, considering that I didn't see it happening.

One thing that still bothers me today. "Jane" and my father really weren't big on us kids showing emotions. We weren't allowed to cry. We got in trouble for crying. Me? When I get angry, I cry. When I am getting yelled at, I cry. When I am upset, I cry. When I get stressed, I cry. AND I DO NOT DO IT FOR PITY. I DO NOT DO IT FOR "BROWNIE POINTS". I DO NOT DO IT TO GET MY WAY. I DO NOT DO IT TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL BAD. I don't know how many times I have been accused of the previous statements. But, because of this, it is really hard for me to show my emotions now. I do still cry easily, but I try not to. Because I have been conditioned to think that crying isn't allowed. I also don't really speak my mind as much as I should.

And, because of the many years where I was a live-in maid that pretty much did EVERYTHING I was told, I have a really hard time saying "no" to people.

Anyway, I was promised a lot by my father and "Jane". A lot that was never, ever delivered. I gave my childhood away because they didn't want to hire a real babysitter. I never really got the time to just be a kid, to just enjoy the little things in life. Like, I wanted to be in band in high school. To much of a commitment. I wanted to stay the night at my friends' houses. Too bad. I had to baby sit. All the time. I never really ever spent the night at friends houses in high school unless there was a party or something. And that happened once.

Anyway...I think this is going to be a continuing story. Or one in which I post random bits and pieces until I feel content.

This is the first time I have done anything like this.



I'm terribly bored. But I am not quite ready for bed yet. So I am going to make a love/hate list. These were big when I had Xanga, and I ran across my old Xanga page recently. I would post the link, but I can't ever remember how to get back to it. I just stumble across it every once in a while. Let's see how this goes.

I love:
1.) Andy
2.) My family
3.) Good friends
4.) Things that smell good
5.) Christmas
6.) Nicholas Sparks books
7.) Good movies
8.) Happy endings
9.) That feeling you get when you are working out
10.)Good cookies (which, after eating, you feel like you need to work out. haha.)
11.)Movie trivia. I used to play it alot when I was little
Chapstick (sorry. currently have chapped lips. winter, ftw)
14.)Painting my nails just to make myself feel better
15.)Turning my music up and singing as loud as I can. When I am alone, of course. lol
16.)Little things that make me smile. Example? When Andy does something totally random, cute, spur of the moment, romantic. Sadly, it doesn't happen all that much.
17.)Sleeping...which I am about to do...

So, this list is obviously incomplete.
And I almost just deleted it all and went to bed. But I guess I can just post the love part and leave the hate for tomorrow. I will do it right after i jog. Because I'm sure I will have a lot to complain about then.

Well, Until tomorrow...

Dec 19, 2009

Money and Jewelry...the way to a girl's heart...or mine, at least

Yeah, that means I got my gift from my grandparents. :D It couldn't have come at a better time. Yeah. I need money. Doesn't everybody, though?

An update from last night: I got in to the Nicholas Sparks book. I thought it was amazing until I finished it this morning. Seriously, does he have to make every book extremely sad? I seriously cried for quite a while when I finished it. Talk about being emotionally distraught.

Anyway. In other news, I am a bit irritated. I wonder when my mother is going to realize that I am not a child anymore. There is a Christmas cookie party tonight, from 4-6 or something, and after 6 there is an "after-party" of sorts. Adults only, of course. So guess who gets to drive their own car so that she and her sister can leave at 6? Yeah. Me. Not that I wanted to go to the "adult" party, I don't drink, nor, admittedly, am I old enough. However, I am not a child, and an invite would have been appreciated.
But, I don't want to sound like I am sulking, I am not. And my sister and I will probably just drop off at the mall and just hang out. It sounds fun. But I think that it is the principle of the whole ordeal that irritates me.
Ah. Maybe I am just overreacting. I tend to do that a lot. Oh, well.

I still have yet to make my other batch of cookies. Mother opted out of making cookies for this social, because, conveniently, I had already made some. Just as long as she doesn't take the credit for my cookies, I don't care.

I sound petty, I know. I'm going to stop now. Because I know I am being ridiculous.

Our first Christmas gathering is tomorrow. I don't even really remember all of the people that are going to be there. I haven't spent Christmas here in quite a while.

Aish. Oh well. Waiting for the mother to get home, then leaving for the cookie thing.

Dec 18, 2009

Holiday Blues?

I don't know what it is, but I am really not feeling like myself lately. I mean, I cant even get into a Nicholas Sparks book!!! They are my favorite!! *sigh* I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with me not really having anything to do lately. The Lonestar in Alabama didn't want me to come and work over break, and I pretty much just sit around here and bake cookies. Thanks to TheWifey. I have never had better peanut butter cookies in my life. You can check out her blog for the recipe. I took out the nuts and dipped half of mine in baker's chocolate for my own twist. YUM!

I have been following the story of a friend's friend who was pregnant. It was a strange situation to begin with, but it had all of the potential to be the cutest story ever. Sadly, today, I learned that she lost her baby. I don't know why I am so upset over that, I don't even know the girl. But, here I am, all hung up over it. I guess I just hate when bad things happen to good people. And I am keeping the girl in my prayers and I hope that she is okay.

I guess that another reason that I could be upset is that I miss my man. LOL. I know, I spend all of my time with him, so I should enjoy a break. (So says Amanda ) I don't.
But I do enjoy the time that I am spending with my family and friends down here in sweet home Alabama. I just wish that he were here with me.

I think I may be starting to feel a bit better. I'm going to curl up with my book and try to wear myself out so that I can get some sleep. Gotta get ready for more cookie-making tomorrow!!

Dec 10, 2009

Oh the weather outside...

Well, I am back in Geneva. Until tomorrow morning, at least. The weather is frightful. *shudder* I really, really hope it is better by tomorrow morning. I DO NOT want to drive in this mess. Apparently I-90 is supposed to be the worst of it anyway. I'm watching the Browns/Steelers game...apparently the wind chill is -12 there. Brr. It's probably worse here, which is why I am cuddled in a blanket with no intention of going out again tonight....
Well, lies. I supposed I -do- have to go back out...I didn't bring in any underwear. lol.
So. I'm not going to lie. There isnt really a reason that I am still here. I could be doing everything that I am right now from my dorm room in Berea. So...why didn't I just leave for Berea after dinner with my cousin? Garrr. Weather, probably.

Oh. Updates? Browns have a 6-0 lead over the Steelers. :/.
Bet someone in T-County is a very happy camper.

Aaaand. I am already frustrated with this.

Dec 2, 2009


Yeah, I know. I should really, really, really really blog more. But I don't have time!! I am actually blogging from my Chemistry class right now. (Yep. Bad student. Guilty.)

Anyway, I'm just going to cut to the chase. Thanksgiving. Was. Great!! My break started on Monday night, since I don't have classes on Tuesday. So, Monday night, I went cosmic bowling with my boyfriend and a couple from work. The bowling alley had a "free for people who work at [insert name here] night. (We were later joined by the kitchen guys at work.)

Andy and I had plans to go back to his parents' house in Washington for the holiday, but we couldn't leave til Tuesday night because he had classes on Tuesday. So, I finished up my Christmas shopping for his family and did some laundry and we left around 6-ish at night. We ended up staying at the Red Roof Inn somewhere near Youngstown. It was really nice. (The night, not the hotel. ;]) I will leave that at that.

We got up early and drove the rest of the way to his parent's house. Not ten minutes after we got there, Andy announces that he is leaving to go to Waynesburg with his father. Before he left, he, his mother, and I all went to Shorty's to grab a quick lunch.
But it wasn't so bad. She had me wrap a few gifts then left me to write my paper (which I actually didn't do until Friday).
When everyone finally got back, we went to his grandfather's house and made pies. Correction. Andy's mother, aunt, and grandfather fought about makind pies while I watched. I wasn't getting into that. No way.

I got up Thursday morning and made breakfast for Andy's family. Overall success...but we had to wait to eat so the food was cold. Then the never-ending task of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for EVERYONE. I believe it was really a bonding experience for his mother and I. I mean, I don't want to sound all cliche, but I feel that I am much more comfortable with Andy's family after this visit. Maybe it is because I have been there so many times...I don't know...but I like it. :)

Black Friday. Got up early and shopped with Andy, his mother, and his aunt. Overall? Success.
Also wrote my paper.

Jerked out of bed by Andy for an early breakfast with his brothers and his mother. Flat tire on car. :( Mall with Andy's brothers and his mother. Got a new purse :)

Went to lunch, then to his grandfather's house. Then back to his house and out to dinner and to see New Moon. (Good movie. Still not worth all of the hype).

Drove back.

Again, all in all, great holiday. :)