Dec 18, 2009

Holiday Blues?

I don't know what it is, but I am really not feeling like myself lately. I mean, I cant even get into a Nicholas Sparks book!!! They are my favorite!! *sigh* I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with me not really having anything to do lately. The Lonestar in Alabama didn't want me to come and work over break, and I pretty much just sit around here and bake cookies. Thanks to TheWifey. I have never had better peanut butter cookies in my life. You can check out her blog for the recipe. I took out the nuts and dipped half of mine in baker's chocolate for my own twist. YUM!

I have been following the story of a friend's friend who was pregnant. It was a strange situation to begin with, but it had all of the potential to be the cutest story ever. Sadly, today, I learned that she lost her baby. I don't know why I am so upset over that, I don't even know the girl. But, here I am, all hung up over it. I guess I just hate when bad things happen to good people. And I am keeping the girl in my prayers and I hope that she is okay.

I guess that another reason that I could be upset is that I miss my man. LOL. I know, I spend all of my time with him, so I should enjoy a break. (So says Amanda ) I don't.
But I do enjoy the time that I am spending with my family and friends down here in sweet home Alabama. I just wish that he were here with me.

I think I may be starting to feel a bit better. I'm going to curl up with my book and try to wear myself out so that I can get some sleep. Gotta get ready for more cookie-making tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, thanks. Now I have Sweet Home Alabama stuck in my head. -_-
