Dec 19, 2009

Money and Jewelry...the way to a girl's heart...or mine, at least

Yeah, that means I got my gift from my grandparents. :D It couldn't have come at a better time. Yeah. I need money. Doesn't everybody, though?

An update from last night: I got in to the Nicholas Sparks book. I thought it was amazing until I finished it this morning. Seriously, does he have to make every book extremely sad? I seriously cried for quite a while when I finished it. Talk about being emotionally distraught.

Anyway. In other news, I am a bit irritated. I wonder when my mother is going to realize that I am not a child anymore. There is a Christmas cookie party tonight, from 4-6 or something, and after 6 there is an "after-party" of sorts. Adults only, of course. So guess who gets to drive their own car so that she and her sister can leave at 6? Yeah. Me. Not that I wanted to go to the "adult" party, I don't drink, nor, admittedly, am I old enough. However, I am not a child, and an invite would have been appreciated.
But, I don't want to sound like I am sulking, I am not. And my sister and I will probably just drop off at the mall and just hang out. It sounds fun. But I think that it is the principle of the whole ordeal that irritates me.
Ah. Maybe I am just overreacting. I tend to do that a lot. Oh, well.

I still have yet to make my other batch of cookies. Mother opted out of making cookies for this social, because, conveniently, I had already made some. Just as long as she doesn't take the credit for my cookies, I don't care.

I sound petty, I know. I'm going to stop now. Because I know I am being ridiculous.

Our first Christmas gathering is tomorrow. I don't even really remember all of the people that are going to be there. I haven't spent Christmas here in quite a while.

Aish. Oh well. Waiting for the mother to get home, then leaving for the cookie thing.


  1. Nicholas Sparks must be a gay man. I'm certain of it. No one can write that well about romance (even ones that end heartbreakingly) and not be gay or secretly be a woman writing as a man.

  2. Haha. Every book starts out with a thank you to his wife though... Maybe he is a rare exception. I would imagine that his wife is one lucky lady. But then again, Robert Frost beat his.
